Downloadable Papers

, , , , , Fines content determination through geotechnical and geophysical tests for liquefaction assessment in the Emilia alluvial plain (Ferrara, Italy)Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering c-comina d-fontana f-di-buccio f-vagnon l-minarelli s-amoroso2023
, , , New Correlations for the Determination of Undrained Shear, Elastic Modulus, and Bulk Density Based on Dilatometer Tests (DMT) for Organic Soils in the South of Quito, EcuadorApplied Sciencej-albuja-sanchez j-mayanquer m-anaguano-marcillo nicolas-jativa2023
, Determination of Horizontal Stress in Normally Consolidated Sands by Using the Dilatometer Test: A Calibration Chamber StudyTransportation Research Recordr-h-borden r-s-lawter-jr1990
, Use of Dilatometer in Unusual Difficult Soils – a Case StudyEnvironmental Science, Engineeringk-minazek m-mulabdic2015
Determination of the presence of microstructure in a soil using a seismic dilatometerBulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environmentd-berisavljevic2018
, , Use of in-situ tests like flat plate dilatometer (DMT) andSeismic Dilatometer (SDMT) vis-à-vis finite element-based software to examine the efficacy of ground improvement work at a high rise residential project in KolkataInternational Journal of Geotechnical Engineeringk-bandyopadhyay k-das s-bandyopadhyay2024
, , , Dilatometer—an in Situ Soil Exploration Tool for Problematic Ground Conditions vis-a`-vis for Economizing Construction ActivitiesIndian Geotech Ja-halder k-bandyopadhyay k-das s-nandi2022
, , “Medusa dilatometer test Pre-standard Reference Test Procedure & Guidelines”Draft of International Standard for Medusa (S)DMT tests d-marchetti p-monaco university-of-laquila2021
, , “The influence of soil structure on CPTu and SDMT results”Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization_Barcelonae-j-lande s-oberhollenzer s-ritter2024
, , , , , “The JELLYFISH Project: Medusa SDMT testing at the NGTS Geo-Test sites, Norway”Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization_Barcelonaa-chiaradonna d-marchetti j-s-lheureux p-monaco s-amoroso t-m-h-le2024
, , , “Continuous Medusa DMT tests in a very soft clay”Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization_Barcelonaa-pinheiro f-danziger g-jannuzzi j-souza2024
, , , , “Offshore Shear Wave Velocity Measurements for the Assessment of Soil Sampling Quality”Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization_Barcelonaa-deu a-gens a-viana-da-fonseca d-tarrago m-devincenzi2024
, “Medusa DMT for geotechnical and geophysical offshore testing”Proceedings of Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics 9th International Conference_Londond-marchetti m-sacchetto2023
, “Medusa DMT for automated Dilatometer testing – a major advance in geotechnical in situ testing “Proceedings of the 14th Australia and New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Cairns 2023 (ANZ2023) a-mcconnell d-marchetti2023
, , , , “Comparisons CPT-DMT in soft clay at Fucino-Telespazio GeoTest site”Cone Penetration Testing 2022 d-marchetti f-totani g-totani p-monaco s-amoroso2022
, , , , “Validation of Medusa DMT test procedures in Fucino clay”Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering_Sydneyd-marchetti f-totani g-totani p-monaco s-amoroso2021
, , , , , , “Use of Medusa DMT in alluvial silty sediments of the Po river valley”Proceedings of ISC'6_Budapestd-marchetti g-gottardi l-minarelli l-tonni m-f-garcia-martinez p-monaco s-amoroso2021
, , “Comparison of DMT results using traditional pneumatic equipment and the Medusa DMT in the Sarapuí II soft clay deposit in Brazil”Proceedings of ISC'6_Budapestd-marchetti f-a-danziger g-m-faquim-jannuzzi2021
, , , “In situ tests by Medusa DMT”Proceedings of the XVII ECSMGE-2019_Reykjavikd-marchetti l-minarelli p-monaco s-amoroso2019
, , “The Flat Dilatometer Test in an Unsaturated Tropical Soil Site”Geotechnical and Geological Engineering vol. 39(3)b-p-rocha h-l-giacheti r-a-rodrigues2021
, , “Prediction of Load-Settlement Curves by the DMT in an Unsaturated Tropical Soil Site”Soils and Rocks, São Paulo, vol. 42(3) pp. 351-361b-p-rocha h-l-giacheti n-m-silva2019
, , , , “Geotechnical site characterization by DMT and laboratory tests on an unsaturated tropical soil site for slope stability analysis”Soils and Rocks, São Paulo, vol. 46(4)b-p-rocha h-l-giacheti j-b-fernandes j-d-yacoub r-a-rodrigues2023
, , , , , , Characterization of young sediments using CPTu and Medusa SDMTProc. 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing – CPT’22, Bologna, Italyd-marchetti f-brand h-f-schweiger l-hauser r-marte s-oberhollenzer s-pfeifer2022
“In Situ Soil Testing: from Mechanics to Interpretation”Proc. Intnl. Site Characterization ISC'2, Porto, Portugalyu2004
, “Analysis of the Dilatometer Test in Undrained Clay”Predictive Soil mechanics, Thomas Telford, Londonbooker yu1993
, “Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils”Jnl. GGE ASCE, Aprilidriss youd2001
, , “One – Dimesional Volume Change Characteristics of Sands Under Very Low Confining Stresses”Soils and Foundations, vol. 15, n. 3. Sept.kuwabara tokimatsu yoshimi1975
, , “Stiffness Nonlinearity of Three Sands”Jnl.GGE ASCE, Oct. 2000, pp. 929-938jamiolkowski lo-presti yamashita2000
, “Case History: Shallow Foundation Settlement Prediction using the Marchetti Dilatometer”ASCE Annual Florida Section Meetingmclntosh woodward1993
, , “Comparison Between Dilatometer and Other In-Situ and Laboratory Tests in Malaysian Alluvial Clay”Proc. 11th Souteast Asian Geotech. Conf., Singaporekassim wong wong-m-f1993
“Liquefaction potential of South Carolina Coastal Plain Soils using dilatometer data”University of South Carolina, USAwilliamson2013
, “The Effects of Installation Disturbance on Interpretation of In Situ Tests In Clay”Predictive Soil mechanics, Thomas Telford, Londonaubeny whittle1993
“Application of In Situ Testing In Tailing Dams, Emphasis on Liquefaction: Case-History”Proc. Intnl. Site Characterization ISC'4, Recife, Brazilviana-da-fonseca2012
, , , “Recent Experiences and Developments of The Resonant Vibrocompaction Technique”Proc. XIII ICSMFE, New Delhi, Indiade-cock massarsch menge van-impe1994
, , , , “Simplified DMT-Based Methods for Evaluating Liquefaction Resistance of Soils”Eng. Geology vol.103, pp.13-22hsein juang kung lee-tung-chin tsai2009
“Use of In-Situ Flat Dilatometer (DMT) for Ground Characterization in the Stability Analysis of Slopes”Proc. XV ICSMFE Conf. vol. 1, Hambourg, Germany.totani1997
, , , “Vs Measurements by Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) in Non -Penetrable Soils”Proc. 17th Intnl. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Geotech. Eng., Alexandria, Egypt.marchetti marchetti-d monaco totani2009
, , , “Impiego della Prova Dilatometrica (DMT) nella Progettazione Geotecnica”Proc. XX Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, pp. 301-308, Parma, Italycalabrese marchetti monaco totani1999
, , , “Field Studies of an Instrumented Full-Scale Pile Driven in Clay”Proc. 13th ICSMFE, New Delhi, vol. 2 pp. 695-698.calabrese marchetti monaco totani1994
, , , “Use of the Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT) in Geotechnical Design”Preprint: In Situ Intnl. Conf. on In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties, Bali Indonesiacalabrese marchetti monaco totani2001
, , “In Situ Determination of ch by Flat Dilatometer (DMT)”Proc. 1st Intnl. Conf. on Site Site Characterization, ISC'98, Atlanta Georgia (USA), vol. 2, pp. 883-888calabrese monaco totani1998
“Where to for the Pressuremeter ?”XIV ECSMGE, Madrid, Spain.tc16-workshop2007
“The Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT) in Soil Investigations”Proc. In Situ Intnl. Conf. on In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties, Bali
, “Characterization of Sandy Soils using CPT and DMT”Soils and Foundations vol. 38 n.3, pp. 55-65 Japanese Geotech. Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Eng.tanaka-h tanaka-m1998
“Recommended Standard for Dilatometer Tests”Report 1:95E, Sweden.swedish-geotechnical-society1994
“Settlement Behavior of an Avalanche Protection Gallery Founded on Loose Sandy Silt”Proc. Settlements ASCE Conf. at Texas A&M, vol.1, pp. 207-221.steiner1994
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“Early Applications of DMT in Dubai in Two Main Projects for Natural and Artificial Earthfill Silty Sand”Proc. 3rd Intnl. Conf. on the Flat Dilatometer, DMT'15. Rome, Italy.sharif2015
, , , “Moduli And Damping Factors For Dynamic Analyses Of Cohesionless Soils”ASCE Jnl. of Geotech. Eng., Nov. , vol. 112, n.11 pp. 1016-1031.idriss seed tokimatsu wong1986
“Flat Dilatometer test (DMT)”In Situ Testing in Geomechanics - the Main Tests. Ed. Taylor and Francis Group, London, Chapter 6, pp. 242-272schnaid2009
, , , , “Analysis Of Self-Boring Pressuremeter (SBPM) and Marchetti Dilatometer (DMT) Tests in Granite Saprolites”Canadian Geotech. Jnl., vol. 37, 4, pp. 796-810.cunha macgregor mantaras ortigao schnaid2000
, “Challenges in the Interpretation of the DMT in Tailings”Proc. 3rd Intnl. Conf. on the Flat Dilatometer, DMT'15. Rome, Italy.odebrecht schnaid2015
“13 GPE DMT DIGESTS”schmertmann1983
“Problems with Interpretation of Sand State from Cone Penetration Tests”Geotechnique 39. n. 2, pp. 323-332.sladen1989
“The Coefficient of Consolidation Obtained From P2 Dissipation In The DMT”Draft of paper prepared for a Geotech. Conf. sponsored by the pennsylvania Dept. Transportation (PennDOT).schmertmann1988
“Dilatometers Settle In”Civil Eng., Engineered Design and Construction, ASCE Mar.schmertmann1988
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“A Method for Determining the Friction Angle in Sands from the Marchetti Dilatometer Test (DMT)”Proc. 2nd European Symposium on Penetration Testing, Amsterdam.schmertmann1982
, , , “CPT/DMT of Ground Modification at a Power Plant_Reprinted”Reprinted from Proc. In Situ '86 GT Div. ASCE Blacksburg, VA.baker gupta kessler schmertmann1986
, , , “CPT/DMT of Ground Modification at a Power Plant”Proc. In Situ '86 GT Div. ASCE Blacksburg, VA.baker gupta kessler schmertmann1986
, “Evaluation of Densification of Loose Sand by SBP and DMT”Proc. 4th Intnl. Symposium on Pressuremeter, Sherbrooke, Canada.sawada sugawara1995
“Comparing CPT and V s Liquefaction Triggering Methods”Jnl. of Geotech. and Geoenvironmental Eng., vol. 141.robertson2015
“Performance Based Earthquake Design using The CPT”Proc. of Performance based Design in Earthquake Geotech. Eng.robertson2009
“Evaluation of Flow Liquefaction and Liquefied Strength Using the Cone Penetration”Jnl.GGE ASCE, June.robertson2009
“CPT-DMT Correlations”Jnl. GGE ASCE, vol. 135 n. 11, pp. 1762-1771.robertson2009
, “Evaluating Cyclic Liquefaction Potential using the Cone Penetration Test”Canadian Geotech. Jnl., vol. 25, pp. 442-459.robertson wride1998
, , “Estimating Liquefaction Potential of Sands using the Flat Plate Dilatometer”American Society for Testing and Materials, Technical Note.campanella richard robertson1986
, , , “Design of Laterally Loaded Driven Piles Using the Flat Dilatometer”Geotech. Testing Jnl., GTJODJ, vol. 12, n. 1, pp. 30-38campanella davies richard robertson1989
, , , “Seismic CPT to Measure In Situ Shear Wave Velocity”Jnl. GGE ASCE, vol. 112 n. 8, pp. 791-803campanella gillespie rice robertson1986
, , “Excess Pore Pressures and the Flat Dilatometer Test”Proc. of Penetration Testing, ISOPT-1, Orlando, Florida, vol. 1 pp. 567-576.campanella gillespie robertson1988
“Interpretation of In-Situ Tests-Some Insights”Intnl. Site Characterization ISC'4, Recife, Brazil.robertson2012
“Dilatometer Based Liquefaction Potential of Sites in the Imperial Valley”Proc. 2nd Intnl. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotech. Earthquake Eng. and Soil Dynamics ST. Louis, Missouri, paper n. 3.13.reyna1991
, , , “Experiences acquired in the use of the seismic flat dilatometer (SDMT) and piezocone (CPTu) for an enhanced site characterization of Mexico City soft clay”Seoul ICSMGE2017flores-eslava ibarra-razo rangel-nunez rivera-cruz2017
“New Chart for Classification of Organic Soils from Dilatometer Tests (DMT) Results”Annals of Warsaw Universityy of Life Sciencesrabarijoely2013
“Indirizzi e Criteri per la Microzonazione Sismica”Universita di L' Aquila, Dipartimento DISAT, Prova DMT pp. 391-397 [Protezione Civile 2008-DMT]protezione-civile2008
“In Situ Testing and its Value in Characterising the UK National Soft Clay Testbed Site, Bothkennar, 1p.”Proc. In Situ Intnl. Conf. on In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties, Bali Indonesia.powell2001
“In Situ Testing And Its Value In Characterising The UK National Soft Clay Testbed Site, Bothkennar”Proc. In Situ Intnl. Conf. on In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties, Bali Indonesia.powell2001
, “The Interpretation of the Marchetti Dilatometer Test in UK Clays”Proc. Institution Civil Engineers Penetration Testing in the UK, University of Birmingham, paper n. 34, pp. 269-273.powell uglow1988
, “Semi Empirical Design Procedures for Axial Pile Capacity in Clays”Proc. XV ICSMGE Conf., Istanbul, Turkey.lunne-frank powell2001
“Estimating E50,ref from DMT”Plaxis, Column Vermeerplaxis-parameters2003
, , “Geomechanical Characterizationof Residual Soils for Foundation Design of a Bituminous Faced Rockfill Dam”Proc. Intnl. Conf. Africa - Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.cacciarini calabrese pietrangeli2013
, , , “Foundation Design Applications of CPTU and DMT Tests in Atlantic Coastal Plain Virginia 2p”Proc. Transp. Res. Board 78th Annual Meeting, Washington D. C.failmezger fromme gibbons pelnik1999
“The Use of a DMT to Monitor the Stability of the Slopes of a Clay Exploitation Pit in the Boom Clay in Belgium”Proc. 3rd Intnl. Conf. on the Flat Dilatometer, DMT'15. Rome, Italy.peiffer2015
, “Spherical cavity expansion nexus between CPTu and DMT in soft-firm clays”Seouls, ICSMGE2017mayne ouyang-z2017
“Identification Of Ground Types For The Definition Of The Seismic Action Using Vs vs. NSPT Or Cu”Proc. ISSMGE - ERTC -12 Workshop on Evaluation of Geotech. Aspects of EC8, Athens, Greece.monaco2011
, , “DMT-Predicted Vs Observed Settlements: A Review Of The Available Experience”Proc. 2nd Intnl. Conf. on the Flat Dilatometer, Washington D. C., pp. 295-305.calabrese monaco totani2006
, “Discussion of Accounting for Soil Aging when Assessing Liquefaction Potential by Evangelia Leon Sarah Gassman and Pradeep Talwani”Jnl.GGE ASCE vol. 133(9), pp. 1177.monaco schmertmann2007
, , , , , “Analysis Of The Liquefaction Phenomena In The Village Of Vittorito (L’Aquila)”Bull Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, pp. 231-261.grasso marchetti maugeri monaco santucci-de-magistris totani2011
, , , “Interrelationship Between Small Strain Modulus G0 and Operative Modulus”Proc. Intnl. Conf. on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotech. Eng. IS-Tokyo, Japan.marchetti marchetti-d monaco totani2009
, , , “Sand Liquefiability Assessment by Flat Dilatometer Test (DMT)”Proc. 16th ICSMGE Conf., Osaka, Japan.calabrese marchetti monaco totani2005
, , , , “Site characterization by seismic dilatometer (SDMT) in the City of L’Aquila”Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica, RIG n.3amoroso marchetti-d monaco totani-f totani-g2013
, “Evaluation of OCR in sand from DMT & CPT”6th International Workshop in Poznanmarchetti-d monaco2017
, “Evaluating Liquefaction potential by Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) Accounting for Aging/Stress History”4th Intnl. Conf. on Earthquake Geotech. Eng.marchetti monaco2007
, “Evaluation of the Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction for Design of Multi-Propped Diaphragm Walls from DMT Moduli”.Proc. Intnl. Site Characterization ISC'2, Porto, Portugalmarchetti monaco2004
, “Use of SDMT Results for Earthquake Resistant Design: Examples of Application In Silty-Clayey Sites”5th Intnl. Workshop "CPTU and DMT in soft clays and organic soils" Poznan, Poland.amoroso monaco2014
, , , , , , “Overconsolidation and Stiffness of Venice Lagoon Sands and Silts from SDMT and CPTU”Jnl. GGE ASCE, vol. 140, pp. 215-227.amoroso cola marchetti marchetti-d monaco simonini totani2014
, , “Geotechnical Characterization of Peat and Gyttja by means of Different In-Situ Tests”Proc. Of XVI ECSMGE Gotech. Eng. For Infrastructure and Developmentbogucki mlynarek wierrzbicki2015
, , “Suitability Of The SDMT Method To Assess Geotech. Parameters Of Post Flotation Sediments”Proc. 2nd Intnl. Conf. on the Flat Dilatometer, Washington D. C., pp. 295-305.gogolik marchetti-d mlynarek2006
, , “Site Characterization And QA/QC Of Deep Dynamic Compaction using an Instrumented Dilatometer”Proc. Intnl. Site Characterization ISC'2, Porto, Portugalbenoit miller stetson2004
, “Comparison of DMT- and CPT-Correlated Constrained Moduli in Clayey and Silty Sands”Geocongress 2014harney mcnulty2014
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, , “El Dilatometro Sismico (SDMT) Para Ensaye de Suelos In Situ”Congreso Argentino de Mecanica de Suelos e Ingenieria Geotecnica CAMSIG XXI, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.marchetti-d orea velasquez2012
, , , “Prove In Sito Mediante Dilatometro Sismico”Volume Protezione Civile.marchetti marchetti-d monaco totani2008
, , , “Risultati di Prove In Sito Mediante Dilatometro Sismico (SDMT)”Reprint Memoria per XXIII Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica "Previsione e Controllo del Comportamento delle Opere" Padova-Abano terme, Italy.marchetti marchetti-d monaco totani2007
, , , “Experience with Seismic Dilatometer in Various Soil Types”Proc. Intnl. Site Characterization ISC'3, Taipei, Taiwan.marchetti marchetti-d monaco totani2008
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