The short course “Applications of SDMT and SCPTu Tests in Geotechnical Project Routines” will be delivered by Prof. Antonio Damasco Penna and Eng. Diego Marchetti on September 24th from 8:30am till 12:30pm, during the Cobramseg 2024.
The aim of the course is to present the state-of-the-art of these two soil investigation methods (SDMT and SCPTu) currently in use in Brazil, including the interpretion of the results for geotechnical parameters and main applications to design.
DMT, SDMT and Medusa DMT equipment will be exhibited at the CARMIX booth.
More details at Congresso – COBRAMSEG
See you soon !
The XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE 24) will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 26th till 30th of August 2024.
Studio Prof. Marchetti will exhibit DMT, SDMT and Medusa equipment at booth n. 80
See you there !
The 7th ISC (International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization) will take place at the Campus Nord facilities of UPC BarcelonaTech .
Studio Prof. Marchetti will actively participate to the event:
See you there !
Il XIII Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici si terrà a Torino nei giorni 7 ed 8 giugno 2024.
L’obiettivo dell’iniziativa è quello di coinvolgere i giovani ingegneri nella discussione di argomenti di Ingegneria Geotecnica, che spaziano dalla progettazione, al monitoraggio e controllo di opere geotecniche, ad indagini in sito e di laboratorio e tanti altri.
Studio Prof. Marchetti prenderà parte attivamente all’evento con una presentazione di carattere scientifico, dal titolo “Caratterizzazione geotecnica dei terreni con le prove in situ DMT e SDMT”, che sarà tenuta dall’ Ing. Diego Marchetti nella mattinata di sabato 8 giugno.
La strumentazione DMT, SDMT e la nuova Medusa sarà esposta in uno stand dedicato, con la possibilità per i visitatori di effettuare simulazioni di misure.
Il programma dettagliato al link
Desideriamo con entusiasmo contribuire alla formazione dei giovani ingegneri condividendo alcuni ultimi sviluppi e innovazioni nel settore della geotecnica.
Vi aspettiamo !
On Wednesday, 6th of March 2024, at 4:00-5:00 PM CET (Central Europe Time), a webinar on DMT Equipment will be delivered.
The aim of the online event is to present the Flat Dilatometer (DMT), the Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) and the fully automated Dilatometer Medusa (S)DMT for in situ testing and ground characterization.
Each device will be described in terms of equipment, test procedure, machines and deployment, results and the main applications for which the test is performed in over 85 countries world-wide.
Sample results will be presented in different soil types, onshore as well as offshore.
If you want to participate, please send an email to to get the Teams link.
Here below the video of the Webinar
The 5th International Conference on “Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development” is going to take place on December 14-15 in Hanoi – Vietnam.
Studio Prof. Marchetti will be sponsor of the event and will exhibit the DMT-SDMT-MEDUSA technology at booth n. 56.
Eng. Diego Marchetti and Prof. Sara Amoroso will deliver the following presentations:
“Offshore CPTU and DMT testing with a seabed penetrometer” and “Applications of DMT test results in foundation design’.
Looking forward to seeing you there !
SEFE, the largest Foundation and Geotechnical Engineering seminar in the Southern Hemisphere, is going to be held in São Paulo from December 4th till 7th.
Our representative in Brazil, Mr. Francesco Fusconi, will display the DMT-SDMT-MEDUSA equipment at the CARMIX booth.
See you there !
Geofluid is one of the most important international event for Drilling & Foundations.
Come and visit us at booth 172 to discover the Seismic Dilatometer, combinable with DMT blade or CPT cone and the new Medusa SDMT !
The 9th International Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference (OSIG) will take place from 12-14 September at Imperial College in London.
In session 19th of Thursday morning, Eng. Diego Marchetti and Eng. Thi Minh Hue Le will deliver the presentations titled:
“Medusa DMT for geotechnical and geophysical offshore testing” and “Potential of the Medusa DMT for offshore geotechnical investigation”
More info about the conference here below:
Studio Prof. Marchetti is Sponsor at the IS-Porto 2023, the 8th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, to be held from the 3rd to the 6th September 2023 in Porto.
Visit our booth to see the latest technological innovations, like the Medusa SDMT, the SDMT watertight and the Seismic Dilatometer combinable with DMT or CPT cone.
We look forward to welcoming you !
Additional info about the conference are available here:
Studio Prof. Marchetti is Major Sponsor at Geoviews 2023.
Please visit our booth and attend the presentation on the Use of the DMT testing in seabeds with recent case histories, scheduled on May the 17th at 11:00 AM and presented by Eng. Diego Marchetti.
24 October
Rome – Italy
Presentation on DMT, SDMT and Medusa DMT at company Team Engineering Spa – Roma (11:00 – 13:00).
September 1-6
Reykjavik – Iceland
The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ECSMGE 2019 (website). Exhibition, Sponsor and submission of paper on the Medusa DMT, a new self contained cableless probe able to autonomously perform DMT tests.
June 26-27
Marseille – France
Solscope 2019 (website) Exhibition with French distributor G5-ISSIM
June 17-20
Rome – Italy
VII International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering 7 ICEGE (website). Exhibition, Sponsor and submission of paper on Vs measurements using the SDMT
June 14
Pisa – Italy
Workshop on Penetration Testing. Presentation on the Flat Dilatometer, Seismic Dilatometer and Medusa DMT
June 4-6
San Paolo – Brazil
9th Seminar on Special Foundations and Geotechnical Engineering and 3rd Fair of the Foundations and Geotechnics Industry. SEFE 2019 (website) Exhibiton stand number 6
March 24-27
Philadelphia – USA, Exhibition stand at Geocongress 2019 (website)
March 2
Almaty – Kazhakstan
Presentation on the Flat Dilatometer, Seismic Dilatometer and Medusa DMT. Conference centre in Rahat Palace, Academic Satpaev str 29/6
November 1-3
Hanoi – Vietnam
Exhibition at The Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering – Energy and Geotechnics (website)
October 3-6
Piacenza – Italy
Exhibition at Geofluid Drilling and Foundation, 22nd Edition (website)
September 26-29
Stuttgart – Germany
Exhibition at Baugrundtagung: 35th Subsoil Meeting of the German Society for Geotechnical Engineering (website)
August 28
Salvador de Bahia – Brazil
Short Course on the Flat Dilatometer and Seismic Dilatometer at Cobramseg 2018 (28 August – 1 September): XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica
June 21-22
Delft – Netherlands
Exhibition at CPT’18: 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing
June 10-13
Austin – Texas
Exhibition at GEESD V: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dinamics Conference (website)
June 7-9
Skopje – Macedonia
Exhibition at XVI DECGE: The 16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (website)
April 13
Rome – Italy
Seminario all’ordine degli Ingegneri: l’utilizzo del dilatometro piatto e del dilatometro sismico (program)
March 16
San Marino
Seminario: Caratterizzazione geotecnica e sismica con l’utilizzo del Dilatometro Sismico Marchetti (SDMT) secondo le norme tecniche per le costruzioni (programma)
March 2
Rome Sala DEI – Via Cavour 179/A
Giornata di Studio: Analisi di Liquefazione mediante prove in situ CPTU e SDMT (programma)
February 27
Brigham Young University, Provo Utah
Webinar: Advanced Soil Mechanics course, Prof. K. Rollins, Seismic Dilatometer Test: Instrumentation, Data Interpretation and Engineering Applications (cover slide)
October 30
St. Kanzian – Austria
Workshop and Demonstration on DMT, CPT and Seismic (program)
October 3
Watford – UK
Understanding Pressuremeters. BRE Bucknalls Lane Watford WD25 9NH (program)
September 28
L’Aquila – Italy
Polo Universitario di Roio (Ingegneria) Aula Magna, “Valutazione della risposta sismica dei siti nella progettazione secondo le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni in memoria del Prof. Silvano Marchetti” (program)
September 17-22
Seoul – Korea
19th ICSMGE 2017, “Prof. Silvano Marchetti Memorial Session on In-Situ Testing”, Michele Jamiolkowski, Paul W. Mayne, Peter K. Robertson, Roger Failmezger, Paola Monaco, Diego Marchetti
July 15-19
Sharm-El-Sheikh – Egypt
GeoMEast 2017, “Prof. Silvano Marchetti Honor Lecture”, D. Marchetti
June 26-27
Poznan – Poland
6th International Workshop In situ and laboratory characterisation of OC subsoil, “Use of the DMT for the estimation of ground improvement”, D. Marchetti
June 20-22
Rome – Italy
XXVI Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, exhibition
June 16
Bremen – Germany
Fraunhofer MEVIS – MARUM, “Workshop on the Flat Dilatometer and Seismic Dilatometer”
April 27-29
Santa Cruz de la Sierra – Bolivia
3rd CFPB 2017, “Prof. Silvano Marchetti Session on Soil Investigation (Session 1)”
April 24
Quito – Ecuador
PUCE University, “Workshop on the Flat Dilatometer and Seismic Dilatometer”
January 20
Italy. “L’uso del DMT e SDMT per la Microzonazione Sismica secondo le Direttive della Regione Lombardia (all. 5 della D:G.R: IX/2616 del 30/11/2011)” by Eng. Buselli.
January 20
Cesano, Rome
Italy. Course on “The Flat Dilatometer DMT and The Seismic DIlatometer SDMT: Operative Aspects and Geotechnical Applications” by Eng. Diego Marchetti, Prof. Paola Monaco and Eng. Sara Amoroso.
October 19
Belo Horizonte
Brazil. Course on “The Flat Dilatometer DMT and The Seismic DIlatometer SDMT: Operative Aspects and Geotechnical Applications” by Eng. Marchetti, Eng. Buselli. Invited speakers: Prof. Giacheti, Eng. Odebrecht and Eng. Damasco Penna .
September 5
Australia. Course on “The Flat Dilatometer DMT and The Seismic DIlatometer SDMT: Operative Aspects and Geotechnical Applications” by Eng. Diego Marchetti, Prof. Paola Monaco and Eng. Sara Amoroso. Invited speakers: K. Rollins, M. Holtrigter, R. Failmezger.
July 6-7
Brunel University
London. Lecture on “The Flat Dilatometer: Applications and recent Developments” by Eng. Diego Marchetti
April 5-6
Poland. Workshop and field demonstration DMT equipment c/o KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. by Dr. Buselli and Mr. Diaconu.
March 17-18
Italy. 1st IMEKO TC4 International Workshop on Metrology for Geotechnics. Lecture by Eng. D. Marchetti “Flat dilatometer (DMT) and Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT): Applications and Recent Developments”.
March 8-9
Turkey. Seminar Flat Dilatometer (DMT) Test & ITS applications in Geotechnical Engineering at Middle East Technical University Civil Engineering Department. Lecture by Eng. D. Marchetti “Flat Dilatometer (DMT) test & ITS applications in geotechnical engineering”
Feb 25-26
Italy. CGT 2016 XXIV Geotechnical Conference on design, construction & controls of soil improvement systems.
Dec. 16
India. Pre-Conference workshop of Indian Geotechnical Conference – IGC 2015, ISSMGE Joint Workshop of TC 207 and TC 212 on “Advances in Soil-Structure Interaction and Deep Foundations”. Lecture by Eng. D. Marchetti “The Flat Dilatometer (DMT) and Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT): Settlements, Compaction and Liquefaction risk assessment”.
Nov. 18-20
Paraguay. Workshop and field demonstration DMT equipment c/o Geo-stan Srl by Eng. D. Marchetti.
Nov. 15-18
Buenos Aires
Argentina. Congreso de Mecanica de Suelos e Ingenieria Geotecnica (SOIL MECHANICS 2015). Lecture by Eng. D. Marchetti “Flat Dilatometer (DMT) and Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT): Applications and Recent Developments”
Nov. 6-7
Romania. Conference “New perspectives through the Centre of Monitoring Infrastructure Impact on the Environment” + training and field demonstration of the SDMT equipment c/o Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest. Lecture by Eng. D. Marchetti “The Flat Dilatometer (DMT): Applications and Recent Developments”
Oct. 21-22
Malaysia. Seminar “Advancement in Geotechnical Investigation and Instrumentation”. Lecture by Dr. Buselli “Application of Marchetti dilatometer DMT in Foundation design”.
Sep. 29-30
Austria. SDMT Workshop and field demonstration c/o Premstaller by Eng. D. Marchetti.
June 15-17
Italy. 3rd Intnl Conf. on the Flat Dilatometer DMT’15, Under the auspices of Techn. Committee TC-102 of ISSMGE, of the Italian Geot. Society and L’Aquila University. Parco dei Principi.
May 9-14
S.ta Cruz
Bolivia. Geotechnical Conference. Presentation on DMT – SDMT by S. Marchetti.
18-20 Dec
India. Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC-2014. Presentation on DMT – SDMT at Plenary Session 18 Dec by S. Marchetti.
3-5 Dec
Russia. Russian Geotechnical Conference. Presentation on DMT – SDMT on 3 Dec by S. Marchetti.
4 Dec
Perù. Presentation on DMT – SDMT by D. Marchetti at “Colegio De Ingenieros Del Peru” Av. Arequipa Nº 4947 Miraflores, Lima.
2 Dec
Chile. Presentation on DMT – SDMT by D. Marchetti at ” Pontificia. Universidad Católica de Chile”, Santiago Campus San Joaquín Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860 Dpto. De Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica Sala DIEG, from 13:00 to 14:00.
1 Dec
Chile. Presentation on DMT – SDMT by D. Marchetti at “Universidad Catolica De La Santisima Concepcion” Auditorium.
18 Nov
Italy. One day Seminar on “In situ investigations”Viale della Fiera Sala BCD della Regione Emilia-Romagna. Sara Amoroso : DMT – SDMT Description of equipment. Results.
12 Nov
Canada. Presentation on DMT/ SDMT by G. Sedran. Dinner-lecture Canadian Geotechnical Society – Toronto Branch.
Nov 11-12
Indonesia. PIT-XVIII Geot. Eng. for Future Infrastructure Development in Indonesia. Lecture by Dr. Buselli “DMT and SDMT for Settlement Prediction of Shallow Foundations and Liquefability Evaluation”.
9 Oct
Italy. Workshop on in Situ Testing at Pisa University, Lecture by S. Marchetti: “Estimating Liquefaction Resistance taking into account Stress History by DMT”.
22-23 Sept
Poland. 5th International Conference on CPT – DMT. Lectures by D. Marchetti, S. Marchetti, P. Monaco.
9-13 Sept
Brazil. XII Brazilian Congress on Soil Mechanics & Geot. Engineering, COBRAMSEG 2014. Short Course on DMT – SDMT by D. Marchetti and Dr. Buselli.
1 Aug
Denmark. Workshop on Seismic Dilatometer at University of Aalborg, Lecture by D. Marchetti: “Seismic Dilatometer: Description, Results and Applications”.
2-14 July
Brisbane, Newcastle, Adelaide, Melbourne. Workshops on DMT – SDMT by S. Marchetti.
17 June
St. Petersburg
Russia. Workshop on Flat Dilatometer & Seismic Dilatometer by D. Marchetti ay St. Petersburg Mining University.
2-6 June
Indonesia. ICOLD Conf. BALI 2014 – Lecture by Dr. Buselli on DMT – SDMT.
30 May
Canada. Workshop on Flat Dilatometer and Seismic Dilatometer by Marchetti, Crapps, Failmezger.
15-16 May
Germany. Seminar “All aspects relating to Liquefaction” Technical University, Keynote Lecture by S. Marchetti: “Estimating Liquefaction Resistance taking into account Stress History by DMT”.
13 Apr
Egypt. Tanta University. Emerging Technologies in Field Testing and Soil Characterization. Lecture by Dr. Buselli on DMT – SDMT.
2-3 Apr
DFIMEC 2014 “Latest developments on in situ testing, pile-raft foundations and FEM”. Lecture by S. Marchetti on DMT.
17-19 Mar
Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia. Seminar on Value Management and Value Engineering in Soil Investigations, lecture by Eng. F. Buselli.
4 Mar
India. Presentation c/o IIT Bombay, Civil Engineering Department by Prof. S. Marchetti.
3 Mar
India. Presentation c/o IIT Madras by Prof. S. Marchetti.
28 Feb
India. National Seminar “Geotechnique Today – Prediction, Modelling & Construction” by Prof. S. Marchetti.
26 Feb
India. Workshop on Developments in Geotechnical Investigation and Analysis by Prof. S. Marchetti
20-21 Jan
Qatar. Workshop on the “Slope Stability” and “DMT & SDMT” by Eng. F. Buselli.
13 Jan
Costa Rica
Seminario de Geotecnia Aplicada – DMT Workshop c/o ICE and MYV by Eng. D. Marchetti.