1 . Indicative dimensions (mm): Diameter 96 , thickness 14 , membrane D=60
2 . Can withstand strong acceleration during driving , being all mechanical. It can withstand strong acceleration during driving.
3 . Being relatively thin , can be incorporated in the thickness of most pipe piles
4 . The lateral exit of the cable permits avoiding passage of the cables inside pile. The cable can run externally (see photos), inside a protection channel welded to pile wall. Alternatively, the cells can have the cable exiting from their back face.
5 . The cable can be easily connected to and disconnected from the cell . Thus the cell can be welded to pile (without burning the cable). The cable is connected later.
6 . The problem of how to measure Sigmah against a curved surface using a flat cell is solved by obtaining in the pile surface a vertical stripe 60 mm wide (equal to the diameter of the membrane) for say 0.5 m above and 0.5 m below the cell.