
Key DMT References

TC16 DMT Report 2001

It covers in detail description, test execution interpretation, applications.

Marchetti S. (2015)

Some 2015 Updates to the TC16 DMT Report, 3rd DMT Conf. Rome (23pp). This 2015 Report complements the previous 2001 Report, covering developments in the period 2001-2015

Short course on Flat Dilatometer at the Bali Insitu 2001 Conference

For readers interested in details of the hardware, maintenance etc. Marchetti S. and Monaco P. (2001) booklet is similar to an operator manual DMT.

Flat Dilatometer (DMT). Applications and Recent Developments

For readers interested in details of the hardware, maintenance etc. Marchetti S. and Monaco P. (2001) booklet is similar to an operator manual DMT.

Flat Dilatometer (DMT). Applications and Recent Developments

For readers wishing a short updated summary on DMT & SDMT: Marchetti S. (2015). “Flat Dilatometer (DMT). Applications and Recent Developments” Proc. 50th Indian Geot. Conf. IGC-2015. Pune. 10pp.

Key SDMT References

In Situ Tests by Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT)

Marchetti, S., Monaco, P., Totani, G. & Marchetti, D. (2008). “In Situ Tests by Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT)”. Proc. from Research to Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE Geotech. Spec. Publ. No. 180 (honouring J.H. Schmertmann), 292-311.

Interrelationship between Small Strain Modulus G0 and Operative Modulus

Monaco, P., Marchetti, S., Totani, G. & Marchetti, D. (2009). “Interrelationship between Small Strain Modulus G0 and Operative Modulus”. International Symposium IS-Tokyo 2009 on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 1315-1323.

Vs measurements by Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) in non penetrable soils

Totani et al. (2009) “Vs measurements by Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) in non penetrable soils” Proc. 17th ICSMGE Alexandria Egypt. Oct. 2009.


Marchetti and Crapps (1981)

“Flat Dilatometer Manual”, Gainesville, Fl.

Marchetti S. and Monaco P. (2001)

“Short course on Flat Dilatometer at the Bali Insitu 2001 Conference”. It can serve as an Operator Manual, for readers interested in details of the hardware, maintenance etc.

U.S. Dept. of Transportation (1992)

“The Flat Dilatometer Test” , Civ. Eng. Dept. Texas A & M Univ. for the Fed. Highway Administration Washington D.C., Publ. FHWA-SA-91-044 , by Briaud J.L. & Miran J., 102 pp.

Schmertmann J.H. & Crapps D. (1984)

“Guidelines for using the CPT, CPTU and Marchetti DMT for Geotechnical Design”, Report No. FHWA-PA-87-024+84-24, Vol. III of IV – DMT Test Methods and Data Reduction

State Of The Art (SOA)

Marchetti S. (2015)

“Flat Dilatometer (DMT). Applications and Recent Developments” 50th Indian Geot. Conf. IGC-2015. Pune. 10pp. For readers wishing a short updated summary on DMT & SDMT.

Marchetti, S. (1997)

“The Flat Dilatometer: Design Applications“. Proc. 3rd Geotech. Eng. Confer., Cairo Univ., 421-448.

Marchetti S. (1999)

“The Flat Dilatometer and its applications to Geotechnical Design”, Intnl. Seminar, Japanese Geotech. Society, Tokyo, 80 pp.

Lutenegger, A.J. (1988)

“Current Status of the Marchetti Dilatometer Test”. Invited Lecture. ISOPT-1, Orlando, FL, Vol. 1., pp. 137-155.

Lunne, T., Lacasse, S.& Rad,S. (1989)

“SPT, CPT, Pressuremeter Testing and Recent Developments on In Situ Testing of Soils”, Proc. XII ICSMFE Rio de Janeiro, Session 2. Vol.4, pp. 2339-2403.

Cestari, F. (1990)

Book : Prove geotecniche in sito. (In Italian). Ed. Geo-Graph.

Both the previous 2006 DMT Conference and the 2015 DMT Conference include a section containing the papers on DMT testing in Difficult Geomaterials (e.g. Residual, Tropical, Unsaturated, Calcareous, Organic, Crushable, Expansive, etc.). The interested reader is referred to the papers in these two DMT Conferences.

In general the expectation is that in these soils the correlations involving pore water pressure are inapplicable, in part or totally. The correlations for estimating moduli/ settlements are instead expected to possibly preserve some validity, since DMT is a load test, determining a pressure-settlement relation.

A (non exhaustive) list of papers on DMT in difficult soils is given below.

D.A. Brown, J. Vinson, 1998

Comparison of strength and stiffness parameters for a Piedmont residual soil. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Site Characterization – ISC’98, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Vol. 2, pp 1229-1234.

Chang, M.F. 1988

In Situ Testing of Residual Soils in Singapore. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Geomechanics in Tropical Soils, Singapore, Vol. 2: 97-108. Dec.

Cruz N. (2010)

Modelling Geomechanics Of Residual Soils With DMT Tests. Modelling Geomechanics of Residual Soils with DMT Tests, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade de Porto, FEUP.

Decourt L. (1994) “The Behavior of a Building with Shallow Foundations on a stiff Lateritic Clay”

Proc. Settlement ’94, ASCE Confer. at Texas A&M Univ., Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 40, June Vol. 2, 1505-1515.

De Vincenzi and Canicio (2001)

Geotechnical Characterization by In Situ Tests of a Loess-Like Deposit in its Natural Site and After Saturation. Proc. In Situ Intnl. Conf. on In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties, Bali, Indonesia.

Failmezger, R.A., Rom, D. & Ziegler, S.B. 1999

SPT? A better approach to site characterization of residual soils using other in-situ tests. Behavioral characteristics of residual soils, ASCE Geotech. Spec. Publ. No. 92, 158-175.

Giacheti H.L. et al. (2006) “Flat Dilatometer Testing in Brazilian Tropical Soils”

Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Flat Dilatometer, Washington D.C.: 110

G.K. Martin, P.W. Mayne, 1998

Seismic flat dilatometer tests in Piedmont residual Soils. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Site Characterization – ISC’98, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Vol. 2, pp 837-843.

Mayne, P.W. 2005

Unexpected but foreseeable mat settlements of Piedmont residuum. Int. Jnl of Geoengineering Case Histories,, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 5-17.

Viana da Fonseca, M.M. Fernandes, A.S. Cardoso, 1988

Characterization of a saprolitic soil from Porto granite by in situ testing. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Site Characterization – ISC’98, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Vol. 2, pp 1381-1387.

Wang Chainchye E. and Borden Roy H.”Deformation Characteristics of Piedmont Residual Soils”

Jnl ASCE GE, Vol. 122, No. 10, October 1996, pp. 822-830

Digest 1

A. New DIGEST Series;
B. Change Calculation for K(o), OCR (and therefore Pc and Ø) in Sands;
C. Driving Blade Alert;
D. Crushing Soil Alert;
E. Edmonton Conference and Orlando Workshop;
F. Total Thrust Log Useful;
G. DMT Video Tapes Available.

Digest 2

A. Site-specific qc -M correlations;
B. Towards a Common Presentation of Øps from DMTs;
C. Changes in Computer Program;
D. Increased Static Thrust Reaction When Using Drillrigs;
E. DMT Conference Proceedings Available.

Digest 3

A. Data Reduction in Basic Language;
B. Possible Special Usefulness in Peat Soils;
C. MDMT/qc Ratio in Sands Depends on Stress History and Method of Compaction;
D. Speeding Up the Calculation of Ko and OCR in Sands;
E. Graph For Estimating Øps at Any Stress Level From Øops;
F. Compacted Sand Alert;
G. Very Loose Sand Alert, Pushed and Driven DMTS;
H. Adaptor Slot Can Cut Cable;
I. 2E Revisited - Conference Proceedings Available.

Digest 4

A. Review of DMT Soil Property Measurement Accuracy;
B. Dilatometer Exhibit Booth at Geotech III, Paul Bullock;
C. Sand-bucket Demonstration and Research Tests;
D. Comparing DMT with CPT in NC/OC Sand Bucket Tests;
E. No Temperature Effects on ΔA and ΔB Calibrations;
F. Better to Measure Vertical Prestress in Horizontal Direction?;
G. DMT to Estimate Horizontal Subgrade Modulus;
H. Precaution - Watch for Stress-Magnitude and Preconsolidation Effect in Settlement and Strength Problems;
I. DMT Can Test Very Weak Clays for Undrained Shear Strength;
J. Index of First 4 DIGESTS;
K.Blade and Membrane Protection Sheath Available.

Digest 5

A. U-Reading to Measure Water Pressure;
B. DMT for Liquefaction Potential;
C. DMT for Control of Dynamic Compaction;
D. Lower Bound Subnrade Modulus;
E. Tentative Use of ED = E75 in Sands;
F. GEOSPEC Article, Ground Engineering Ad;
G. Marchetti Method for Friction Angle, Ko and OCR Calculation in Sands Not Recommended;
H. References.

Digest 6

A. Proposed ASTM Standard Practice;
B. DMT Bibliography.

Digest 7

A. PennDOT Paper Update;
B. Marchetti CPT-linked Ko and Ø in Sands;
C. Blade Dimensions;
D. Computer Program Update.

Digest 8

A. In Situ '86 Papers;
B. HP 41CV Program for Dilatometer-based Settlement Calculation;
C. ASTM Suggested DMT Method;
D. Calibration of High Strength Membranes.

Digest 9

A. Some interrelationships with Po in clays
B. ED vs. N-value Correlations;
C. Updated DMT Correlations;
E. ASTM Standard;
F. References Cited;
G. Updated Index to DIGESTS.

Digest 10

A. ISOPT- Papers;
B. Estimating c and k from P2 dissipation tests;
C. New DMT Manuals Available;
D. Updated DMT Bibliography;
E. DMT Membrane Memo;
F. Gas Tank Test Safety Reminder.

Digest 11

A. NTIS reports available;
B. New papers on sand modulus & settlement;
C. DMT Bibliography Update;
D. Membrane fit;
E. Regulator safety note;
F. Friction reducer;
G. Ave. 1/M;
H New research paper;
I Comparing qc and qD;
J. Effects of hammer impact insertion;
K. More on P2 and pp dissipation;
L. Limit pressure and theoretical su;
M. Subgrade modulus under mats.

Digest 12

A. Some New References;
B. More Comparisons in sands between CPT qc and qd;
C. Pressure Dissipation Tests - A-B-C vs. A2 vs. A;
D. Soil Aging and Chamber Test Results;
E. Undrained Strength of Weak Clays;
F. Further simplified Ø' from the DMT;
G. OCR in the 1 to 3 range;
H. Pile lateral load p-y curves;
I. DMT Suitability Tabulations;
J. Other "Dilatometers";
K. List of Users.

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